To be grown, onions need the right conditions. Onion farmers all over the world are conscious that onions are sensitive to light and temperature, and that these conditions affect the bulbs’ growth.

Onions are a cool weather crop, and so they are not as heat tolerant as other crops. However, it is important to know what type of onion you are dealing with, as some are more heat tolerant than others. The ideal temperature also depends on which stage of their development they are in.

While they are a cool weather crop and can even tolerate some light frost, too much cold can also be damaging.

Of course, some types of onions do very well in warmer weather. India is one of the hottest countries in the world, and it is also the second largest onion growing country in the world.

It can be hard to pinpoint the exact temperatures needed for onion growth, as there are so many factors. But the reality is, even though it can be challenging, onion farming is worth it in the end. Onions are sold and consumed every day all around the world and bring many benefits to our health.

Some of these benefits include: good for your hearth health, beneficial for bone health, can help control blood sugar levels, can help against infections, can help with memory loss and allergies, and are even used in many home beauty remedies.

M&P Engineering is a leading manufacturer of food processing equipment and offers a range of onion peeling machines.

M&P’s Large Onion Peeling machine uses self-adjusting floating knives to top, tail and peel onions. It is easy to operate and makes sure the product remains in pristine condition after it has been peeled by using a dry peeling process. The dry onion peeling process is able to process up to 750kg of onions per hour. See it in action here. 

M&P’s Small Onion Peeling machine is also simple to operate and you get a product similar in quality to hand peelers at high speed and consistent quality. This machine does not require a lot of labour and is simple to clean and easy to maintain. It can top, tail and peel onions from 18mm to 45mm.

If you would like to find out more about M&P Engineering’s onion peelers, call 0161 872 8378 or contact us here.

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