What if we told you could use onions as a beautiful decoration for a flower arrangement? Well, not technically onions, but a flower of the same family as onions and garlic, the Allium Flower.

The Allium Flower is formed by intricate patterns of small star-shaped blossoms; these blossoms gather to form a ball shaped cluster. Both the leaf and the flower are tough and the bulbs are relatively easy to cultivate.

The Allium Flowers come in a wide range of colours (white, yellow, blue, and pink) and heights, but are most commonly found in purple.

The plant began to become popular in the 19th century in Russia and not long after reached the UK where British people saw the potential in this new and dynamic plant.

The Allium Flower’s balloon-like shape makes it an attractive option for decorating your home or events, or for bouquets and gifting someone. They can take part in dried or fresh bouquets, blending in with other flowers for a beautiful mix of colours.

With Valentine’s just around the corner, will you be considering The Onion Flower as an arrangement option for a bouquet for a partner or loved one?

M&P Engineering has been manufacturing food production, preparation and filling equipment for many years and offers a range of equipment including its onion peeling machines.

M&P Engineering’s Large Onion Peeling machine uses a dry peeling process, resulting in no waste slurry. It can peel, top and tail onions with diameters between 45mm and 115mm using its self-adjusting floating knife assemblies. The peeler uses compressed air to remove the skin, resulting in optimum end-product appearance.

The large onion peeler has a raw material input rate of 750kg per hour when working at optimum speed but can be adjusted to suit the needs of the processor.

M&P Engineering also have available a range of freshcut machinery, including our Carousel Grid Cutting machine and our Radish Top & Tailer.

If you would like to find out more information about our products, speak to a member of the team on +44 (0)161 872 8378 or contact us here. 

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