Winter seems to be a bleak time of year for fruit and veggies, but that isn’t always the case. While summer berries will be missed by many, a few other fruits and vegetables thrive in wintertime. While some vegetables are harvested in Autumn and if properly stored can last through the winter months, some produce does quite well in cooler air and soil and even tastes better when harvested in winter.

A very popular vegetable that thrives in winter is the sweet potato. It’s a prime example of how vegetables can shine in the winter. They can be stored in a dark and cool environment and will stay fresh for months. Potatoes, in particular sweet potatoes, are also one of the healthiest vegetables.

Winter vegetables are extremely versatile; you can use them in Food Processing Equipmentmany different ways and in a variety of dishes and recipes. They are also full of nutrients, vitamins, and all things good for our health.

M&P Engineering is an industry leading manufacturer and supplier of food processing and packaging equipment to food production sites across the globe. M&P’s new food processing equipment has fresh cut in mind. New technology is constantly being developed and improved to meet the ever-increasing demand for fresh fruit and vegetables ready to eat.

M&P’s Carousel Grid Cutting machine is a versatile machine able to cut fruit and vegetables into fries, batons, wedges, petals and slices, and can produce up to 4,800 pieces an hour.

In addition, M&P also has available a world-renowned onion peeling machine. M&P’s large onion peeler uses self-adjusting knife assemblies to top, tail and peel onions. It also uses air compressors to remove the outer skin.

To find out more, please contact us here.

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